When Is the Best Time to Call an Arborist for Tree Inspection?


Trees are not only beautiful additions to our landscapes but also important for the environment. They provide shade, increase property value, and offer numerous benefits. However, just like any other living organism, trees require proper care and maintenance to ensure their health and longevity. When it comes to tree inspection, it is crucial to know the best time to call an arborist Brisbane wide.

 In this blog post, we will explore when is the ideal time to seek professional help for tree inspection and the importance of hiring an arborist. So, let’s dive in!

  1. Signs of Tree Stress and When to Act

Trees, like humans, can experience stress. Understanding the signs of tree stress is essential in determining when to call an arborist for inspection. Look out for the following indicators:

  • Wilting or Discoloured Leaves: If you notice wilting leaves or unusual discolouration, it could be a sign of a water or nutrient deficiency, disease, or pest infestation. Calling an arborist early on can prevent further damage to the tree.
  • Dead or Dying Branches: Dead or dying branches are not only unsightly but can also pose a safety hazard. An arborist can assess the tree’s overall health and safely remove any dangerous branches before they fall.
  • Fungal Growth: The presence of mushroom-like growths or fungal activity around the tree’s base may indicate decay or a fungal infection. It is prudent to consult an arborist to address the issue promptly.
  • Unusual Tree Growth or Leaning: If you notice any abnormal growth patterns, such as excessive leaning or sudden changes in tree shape, it is wise to have an arborist Brisbane inspect the tree to identify potential structural issues.

It is important to act promptly when these signs are observed to prevent further deterioration of the tree’s condition.

  1. Routine Tree Inspections for Preventive Maintenance

While it is crucial to address tree problems as they arise, proactive preventive maintenance is equally important. Regular tree inspections conducted by arborists can help identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. Ideally, it is recommended to have your trees inspected at least once a year. However, the frequency of inspections may vary depending on the tree species, age, location, and specific environmental factors.

Spring and Fall Routine Inspections: Spring and fall are often considered the best times to have routine tree inspections. In the spring, arborists can assess the tree’s health after winter and identify any winter damage, disease, or pest issues. Fall inspections allow arborists to evaluate the tree’s preparation for winter, address any structural concerns, and provide appropriate pruning or fertilisation recommendations.

  1. Storm Damage Assessment

Sometimes, trees can suffer significant damage due to storms or severe weather conditions. Storm-damaged trees pose a considerable risk to property and personal safety. Therefore, it is crucial to have an arborist assess the trees following a storm. These inspections help identify:

  • Cracked or Split Branches: High winds and heavy rain can cause branches to crack or split. Arborists can determine whether these branches can be saved or need to be removed.
  • Uprooted Trees or Leaning Trees: Trees that have been uprooted or are leaning precariously after a storm may require immediate attention. Arborists can assess the stability of the tree and recommend the best course of action.
  • Structural Damage: Severe storms can damage a tree’s structural integrity. An arborist can examine the trunk, canopy, and root system to assess the overall stability of the tree.

Prompt inspection and appropriate tree care after a storm can prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your property and surroundings.

  1. Construction and Renovation Projects

If you are planning any construction or renovation projects near trees, it is essential to involve an arborist from the beginning. Construction activities can have a significant impact on trees and their root systems. An arborist can assess the potential risks and develop a plan to minimise damage during construction.

Having an arborist inspect the site before and after construction helps evaluate any changes in the tree’s health, identify possible root damage, and recommend appropriate measures for tree preservation.

  1. Emergencies and Hazardous Situations

In emergency situations, such as sudden tree collapse or a tree endangering property or people’s safety, it is crucial to call an arborist immediately. Arborists are trained to handle hazardous situations and can safely remove fallen or dangerous trees, minimising further damage and ensuring everyone’s safety.


Trees play a vital role in our surroundings, and their well-being should not be overlooked. Calling an arborist Brisbane at the right time can prevent tree stress, address problems in their early stages, and ensure proper care and maintenance. Whether it’s routine inspections, storm damage assessment, construction projects, or emergencies, involving an arborist is the best way to ensure the health and safety